
Friday, October 14, 2011

Oy vey! It's a failing day.

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? You want to go back to bed and sleep the rest of the day away because you know you can't go back, but you don't want to risk anything else going wrong.
That's how I feel today. I can't really go to sleep right now because that would actually make things worse. But that doesn't change the fact that today is a failing day. Today, I feel like a failure.
I trust everyone (or rather, use to) just a little too much. I'm getting over that, which is nice. Sometimes I think it won't really help because in the end I'm the same person I've always been. Sure, I don't trust people as much, I'm more aware of my flirting, I'm more reserved when I talk about other people, I'm more reserved when I talk about myself, but I'm still about the same. I still have my slip ups; I still have my old habits creeping out in a moment of weakness.
I think my biggest fault is that I try to make everyone happy. I forget my place and what I want and what I should do because I think it's my job (for no apparent reason I can think of) to save everyone and make everyone happy. But have you ever noticed that the thing that makes someone happy is usually a really selfish desire and makes at least one other person unhappy, even if it's just you?
That's how I feel right now. I'm always trying to please people, but what do you do when two people you're trying to please want opposite things? Not just opposite, but actual opposing pairs. You can't have one if you have the other. So then you choose. You see who is more important and who you want to please the most, and you do that.
Well, then the other person thinks that the important person is controlling you. You can't say no because it seems like they are, but if you please the other person, then they're the one controlling you.
 Whew, that got confusing for a second. The point I'm trying to get across is this. Do your best to please the people you love, but please yourself first and the most important ones second. You'll never be able to please everyone, but you have to be happy with yourself. Think of yourself in terms of how it affects people. Please yourself, please the important people in your life, please everyone else.
I feel inhuman now. It feels wrong to think that I won't be pleasing people, or rather that I'll be purposefully displeasing to them. But that's the reality of life. Everyone will never be happy with you, but someone always will be, even if it's just you. :]

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