
Saturday, October 8, 2011

A New Sim Family

My boyfriend and I decided we're comfortable enough with each other to not feel silly about making us as a family on Sims... so I did. I'm a Sims fanatic, as every other Sims fanatic will understand. I had made me and my boyfriend a couple of times, but I was never really dedicated to playing us as my main family. Now that he's moving in, I feel somewhat obligated. Why make us and not play us out fictitiously when it's so much fun? Besides, now we can name our kids (because we're the kind of dorks that know what our kids' names would be) and build our dream house (because we're the kind of dorks that know what our dream house will look like).
So I made us. We're cuties, of course. :] I made him go into the medical career because he's going to be a pharmacist and I made my sim go into the education career because I'm going to be a teacher. Makes sense, right? Well, everything was going alright until Marksim had a "vaccination clinic" to go to at the park. I have all of the expansion packs (No, not the stuff packs), and the ambitions pack lets you do stuff for work outside of the office. As a doctor, you sometimes have to go to public places for vaccination clinics or free diagnostic clinics. Marksim went and something weird started happening. A notification popped up saying he noticed the sky suddenly going dark. I wasn't quite sure what was happening until the meteor came down and killed him. Yeah, Sims killed my sim-boyfriend.
Needless to say, I started over. Instead of exiting without saving and starting back up at the last save point, I decided to just start over completely. I felt the mouths didn't look right, and I thought I would make them look better now that I had the chance. So I made us again and we were a happy little family. We had little Larry and little Amelia, and little Amelia got an imaginary friend doll named The Doctor. Cute, right? Well, Mark's told me before that he plans on inventing things when he retires. So, being the cute girlfriend I am, I made him work on his inventing skill. I also have a bad habit of playing while doing other things on the computer, like homework or facebook or crafting things (You can go into the options and change the screen mode so it doesn't take over your entire screen). I let it run in the background because there's a lot of empty time while my sims are maxing out their skills or going to work. I went to check on them because it was making the bad noise, like something horrible was happening. I figured I'd missed the "pay bills now" notification. Nope, I missed Marksim getting electrocuted and dying. There was a pile of ashes on the floor and the Grim Reaper was on his way. I couldn't believe he'd died again! This time I just quit without saving.
I was pretty upset because I'd made it to the top of the education career by then. But having my boyfriend around was more important than saving that achievement. It's not like I couldn't reach it again. This time, I made it to the top of the education career, Marksim maxed out his inventing skill and fulfilled his lifetime dream, and then I maxed out my writing skill and fulfilled my lifetime dream. We still had little Amelia and little Larry and we'd moved into a two story house. Marksim's inventing again because he has an opportunity about making widgets, and I'm not paying attention again because I'm looking at other things online. Yeah, you guessed it. He got electrocuted, turned into a pile of ashes, and I switched to the game right as the Grim Reaper was talking to Marksim.
I decided to start us over from scratch so I could make our two story house/mansion more amazing. But this entire time, since the first time Marksim died, I have been looking for a death flower bush. In case you don't know, if your sim has a death flower in his or her inventory, they will not die. At least, not the first time. The Grim Reaper will visit the ghost and the ghost hands it the flower. The sim turns back into a sim and all is well... until the Grim Reaper is back.
So the point of all this... Why is it important? Because I don't have a death flower bush. If I could, I'd have armed body guards around my boyfriend 24/7 because I love him that much, and when you love someone like that, you'd do anything to keep them safe. But this is the real world. We don't have death flowers or magic spells or reviving potions. When someone's gone, they're gone, and that's all you get.
I hope I have decades more time with my boyfriend, and I'm sure I will. But what about those that we have lost? Or the ones that we'll lose? I know that this is a hard subject for a lot of people, myself included. But sometimes we have to think about it.
So this is what I leave you with. Tell the people you can that you love them with all your heart. Remember the ones you can't. And hope each day that both are as happy as your favorite memory with them. :]

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