
Monday, October 10, 2011

A little cleaning crazy

Yeah, you read that right. I had late homework to work on, but silly me decided that cleaning the apartment (since wfwp will be coming over tomorrow) was a better idea. I worked my butt off getting everything clean, including the massive pile of diahes overflowing in the sink. I get to be a little proud. :)
I'm only a little proud because I still didn't get to vacuum or do laundry. Not a big deal, not even remotely, but it just reminds me how overwhelmed I am.
Tomorrow starts a busy day. I have to tutor my student, which will probably feel like murder because it's been a week since the last time I was there. But at least I can test a lesson plan on him. :) Fun, right? Until I have to figure out how to tell his father that if he doesn't start paying me more, I'll have to tutor less and find a real job. Also not fun.
As always, the money issues is floating over my head. It stresses me out more than anything else. It's like that recurring nightmare that you seem to be having every night, so it makes you afraid to fall asleep. That's me, keeping my eyes open no matter how purpley black my dark circles may get because closing my eyes means giving up and giving in.
Cause I want to be a big girl, right? That's part of the fun of moving out into a real apartment and paying for everything on your own. Well... Hmph. I hate to admit this because I like to think I've been really self reliant for the past few years, but I realize that sometimes it's okay to lean on your parents. It's okay to lean on them because they know you're still just a kid making stupid kid mistakes, like spending more money on gifts and crafts than you should be.
I think it's time for a back to basics approach. Go back to what you know and trust. Go back to the warm security blanket you love. Go back to home and replant some of your roots so you never forget where you're from because you don't always know where you're going.

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